Discover the Talentum job and training fair in Mons! Meet local recruiters, explore training opportunities and boost your career. Don't miss this not-to-be-missed event!

Meet local recruiters
Meet face-to-face with recruiters from Mons-based companies. This is the perfect opportunity to discuss available job opportunities and company culture face-to-face. What's more, you can hand-deliver your CV to the recruiters present, which may increase your chances of being noticed.

Explore training opportunities
Discover the training organizations present at the job and training fair and explore how training can boost your career. Experts will be on hand to guide you in choosing the right training for your career goals.

Get advice from career coaches
Professional employment and training coaches will be on hand to offer you personalized career advice. Benefit from their expertise to optimize your job (or training) search and achieve your professional goals.

Get a professional photo for your CV
Take advantage of the professional photo area to get a free quality photo for your CV. A good photo can make all the difference when recruiters are shortlisting candidates. Don't underestimate the importance of that first impression!

Looking to boost your career or explore new opportunities? Don't miss Talentum Mons!